Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This week on antiques roadshow...

In an earlier post I commented about a "center" tag causing a problem in IE. My friend pointed out center is a "deprecated" tag.

I understand deprecated is a technology term and it means something has come along that works the same in a different way or is just better. HOWEVER, I believe that as long as it still works use it! (unless it fucks up your layout of course)

There are times when I just can't get div align to play nice with anything so I use center because I am lazy. CSS has made things easier in many ways but there are a few things that can be a pain to implement from time to time. Anyone remember "hspace" and "vspace"? They still work so fuck W3 and their gestapo BS.

It's like prop making. It might look like shit on the inside but as long as it works and looks good on the outside, who cares!? So use those tags labeled old and dated until they are phased out entirely. (However, you should still know the other stuff too. I'm not saying to ignore it entirely.)

Standards be damned.

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