Monday, September 24, 2012

How to install my ire...

I am getting sick of script writers who don't know how to change their install guides or have them match the file names when they update their files.

Case in Point: This plugin says to put this -
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="path-to/zoom1.3.3.css"/> in your head tag.

However when you open the file you download, the file in question is named "zoomy.css" Can we not take a couple minutes of time to UPDATE YOUR GODDAMN EXAMPLES PLEASE!? (The .js file example is the same kinda shit too)

This is not an isolated incident either. I have encountered all sorts of pages like this. For someone who has been doing this a while it's irritating. For a newbie, it's fooking confusing.

Needless to say I am not going to be using that script.

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