Thursday, August 14, 2014

My stack doth overflow...

I want to take some special time and bag on Stack Overflow a bit. If you don't know what that is post ANY question about coding and you will likely happen upon their website (or one associated with it)

Before I go any further let me preface this with the fact that in the past they have been helpful for javascript stuff I was lost on. However the last couple times I had some issues I got some real snotty elitist vibes from the people on there and just deleted my questions because fuck them.

I guess after you voluntarily sit on a website long enough answering questions without pay you get bitter, jaded and spiteful for some reason. Also the whole "reward system" in place is a bit of a pain in the ass. It's too subjective. If some ass hat doesn't "get" the question they will penalize you in some way or another.

I wish there was just a service with a live chat you could message someone at any hour of the day with a question and they would give you the most direct honest answer they could.

Me: "Hey I want to not show some HTML5 video on a mobile device without making a separate site for mobile"
Bob: "Oh that's easy. Try using a media query"

Me: "Oh wow that's great. Why was that so hard to find online?"
Bob: "You were probably looking on Stack Exchange"
Me: "....yah...."
Bob: "Those guys are assholes"
Me: "Let me paypal you some beer money"

Is that so hard?

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